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What is Acufree?

Acufree is the first “trimodal” Medical Device – i.e. multiple therapy, delivering not 1 but 3 signals at the same time to treat tinnitus, each with a specific therapeutic function already described in this website. It consists of 1 multifunctional electronic device connected to 1 pair of specifically processed headphones.

How does it work?

The patient wears headphones over the ears for 1 or 2 sessions per day according to his doctor’s prescription or treatment indications. The acoustic signal is audible and tuned into the disturbance (N.B.: extended frequencies and tones for optimized masking) while the 2 electro-magnetic signals are not audible, using frequencies outside the reach of the human ear.
Please Note: it is important that the emitting discs on the edge of the headphones be positioned on the front side, between the temple and the acoustic channel.

Medical documentation?

To be able to purchase the device and set up the therapy, a medical prescription is required requesting anti-tinnitus treatment including the necessary medical examinations to ensure the absence of serious pathologies and to optimal treatment settings.
Maximum effectiveness of your therapy is our common priority. All documents and patient experience are important to build a context aimed at “identifying and clearing out” the tinnitus, to the point of weakening it, in a progressive and irreversible way!

Is Acufree different from other therapies?

Acufree is definitely different from other tinnitus remedies.
as already written, it is the only one with 3 effects synchronized with the disorder, the emerging “multiple” method to treat serious or incurable diseases.
Home and Mobile:
easy, regular, reliable use, anywhere.
It penetrates well, reaching key areas with anti-inflammatory effects,
and thereby proving suitable for many types of tinnitus.
It elaborates a quality and quantity of clinical data
that ensures optimal medical care during the therapy.
Other unique features and advantages, click here.

Is it a scientific novelty?

We believe so for three important reasons:

1. It attacks tinnitus with three synchronous actions (only multimodal on the market);
2. It acts against any deficiency, disruption or other worsening due to conditions of internal cellular over-excitation or inflammation, in line with recent international scientific studies and trends;
3. It obtained favorable clinical data, confirming the ability to restore a neuro-acoustic and anti-inflammatory balance, with a consequent increase in the relief and well-being of the patients treated.

How do I use it?

The objective of Acufree, the patient and their doctor is the same: maximizing the beneficial
effects of the treatment. To do this, the main guidelines to follow are:

  • adhere to the instructions of the doctor and of the protocol provided by us;
  • adapt the timing of treatment to your “peak of disturbance” to counteract it as effectively as possible (e.g. morning or evening?).;
  • find the best method of personal relaxation, in support of the therapy sessions;
  • during therapy avoid noisy or stressful activities and sudden movements that could reduce the effects.

See the recommended treatment

Is it easy to get used to?

Yes, it has been designed to be easy and comfortable, with an intuitive interface similar to our modern “smartphone” technology.

Does it require maintenance?

This is also made simple: avoid water and steam as with any electronic device. Battery: pay attention to charging Acufree, follow the indicator to carry out the therapies without unexpected interruptions.

How does it work? (What benefits)

The set of three active elements constitutes the innovative solution called “synchronous multimodal therapy” that performs a targeted, constant (daily) contrast action, adaptable to the movements and changes of tinnitus in order to obtain its “constraint” (that is, it forces a progressive reduction, then hoped for regression, of the effects!). The goal becomes the perception of less disturbance and improvement in carrying out normal daily activities, which equates to a ”better quality of life”. For a description of each of the 3 active elements, click here.

Is it safe?


Is it natural?

Yes, because it uses active principles that aim to activate a virtuous and totally endogenous (internal) cycle. For example: 1 of the 3 signals has the function of mobilizing the ions present inside the cochlea at the frequency of 4 million oscillations per second, following a precisely predetermined path, in order to activate the intracellular microcirculation that favours the elimination of toxic or inflammatory elements.
Acufree is believed to have obtained a reduction in the excitation of the vibrating cells of the cochlear area that produce the tinnitus signal and to promote the return to their normal state of elasticity.

Is it effective?

With a protocol on 50 patients of only 14 weeks of which 8 active + clinical intervals, Acufree obtained excellent results, both quantitatively (5 international tests all with a positive trend) and qualitatively (improvements on 70% of cases).

Does the effectiveness last over time?

Yes, benefit levels have remained slightly lower than 1 year earlier, showing a very promising persistence of the effects. It was measured on half of the patients who reached 12 months after the trial and the means of improvement were made official at the SIAF national congress.

Treatment Developments and Outcomes with Aquafree

Have the benefits been monitored?

Acufree completed the 2022/23 trial by passing strict levels of control:
Clinical Protocol with Independent Ethics Committee at Tor Vergata University Hospital; protocol ratified by CRO (Clinical Research Organization) LNAge certified body.

Are the clinical results disclosed?

Yes, they are published in the press and on television (see PRESS REVIEW area) and have been presented to the entire medical and scientific community at the 2 main ENT congresses in Italy: the SIO (otolaryngology) in June and the SIAF (audiology) in November 2023.
The clinical study was directed and presented to the medical community by the director of the ENT department of Tor Vergata, Professor Stefano Di Girolamo.

Are the clinical results a guarantee of effectiveness?

NO guarantee, especially with tinnitus, each case may have different and multiple origins and effects. That said, all medical science is based on what is possible, not ideal! It would be ideal to test all patients for all drugs and remedies in the world but it is obviously impossible.
The CLINICAL DATA of Acufree have been reviewed by experts and are understandable for
everyone. The more positive the results, the closer you get to a reliability that confirms its effectiveness. Serious biomedical projects organize CLINICAL TRIALS which, in order to optimize the reliability of the results, must meet 5 essential criteria to obtain scientific recognition:

  1. Independent and quality controls and certifications;
  2. Guaranteed safety;
  3. Excellent medical entities for an excellent performance of the tests;
  4. Clinical study with a real correlation between the research criteria and the therapies
    applied, otherwise they are only hypothetical and misleading findings;
  5. Number of statistically significant cases (e.g. 30 considered minimum threshold in international clinical standards).

In the field of tinnitus care not many methods meet these 5 essential reliability standards.
Acufree satisfies all these criteria as ratified by the authoritative Policlinico Tor Vergata.