ACUFREE is a medical device that significantly reduces the perception of suffering by tinnitus patients.
The device delivers three remedies at the same time, each with a specific therapeutic objective.
ACUFREE is a home-based and highly personalized anti-tinnitus device
Remedy 1:
audible, enhanced version of optimized audio masking.
Remedy 2:
inaudible low frequency Electromagnetic waves aiming to significantly reduce the transmission of tinnitus.
Remedy 3:
inaudible high frequency electromagnetic waves aiming to restore healthy neuro-acoustic functioning.
The set of 3 active elements constitutes the exclusive “synchronous multimodal therapy” whose clinical results in 2023 were confirmed by no less than 5 leading international tests, including THI, TFI, VAS, Hearing Sensitivity and SF-36 (quality of life). These “breakthrough” results and extraordinary operational versatility make ACUFREE one of the most promising remedies against a complex, unpredictable and volatile dysfunction such as tinnitus.

Active elements and ease of use
The therapeutic control unit has been designed to offer maximum operational simplicity, allowing treatment even at home, without the need for technical or medical interventions, except for adherence to the medical prescription and protocol.
Universal application
Our treatment has been designed to be effective with different types of tinnitus:
Rustling, whistling, buzzing, pulsing, chaotic or undefined noises, etc.;
Intensity or frequency
up to very high values;
mono- or bilateral, temporary or chronic;
hearing loss, age, accident, shock, depression, etc.
Previous pathologies: in case of pre-existing evidence, be it as direct cause or contributing factor, the opinion of the doctor is essential, in the knowledge that ACUFREE obtaines its effects from “endogenous reinforcement” and that the capacitive signals contribute to an improvement, without any side effect by “restoring a healthy organic balance”.
High connectivity
Full remote performance (telemedicine);
Medical archives
“Safe patient data logs” for maximum reporting and therapeutic security;
Operational password
Treatments with guaranteed medical safety.
- relief of the patient: it consolidates over time and, as evidenced by the clinical results, can reduce the disorder until obtaining an “almost absent tinnitus” (e.g. THI below level 10);
- precision and propagation: ACUFREE delivers its remedial signals in a specific, targeted
direction and with a level of penetration that reaches all the main acoustic and
neurological areas potentially involved;
- non-invasive but effective: it is a device that has obtained better and/or more lasting clinical results than the main alternatives for those suffering from tinnitus, namely: masking, TRT, drug therapy, surgery, or the classic “there is nothing to be done”.